Tuesday 14 April 2009

How do Christians fulfill the law?

I'm in the midst of preparing to preach this Sunday at DCAC (my current church). The passage is Exodus 20:12-17. Its all about the way God's redeemed people Israel were to relate to each other as a people. This was how God's treasured possession were to mediate the knowledge of God to the nations around them (Exodus 19:4-6).

But it raises some big questions. How does this apply to the Christian? Jesus says he has fulfilled the law (cf Matt 5:17-21), and It seems that Paul says, the law tells us we are sinful (Romans 3, and 7), and the way we love we fulfills the law (Romans 13).

But the issues I'm currently thinking through are: what does it mean for elderly people who have lost parents to 'honour their parents'. Or what about the issue of murder; how does this command relate with the current controversy of abortion in this country? Can we expect others who are not redeemed to follow these laws?

Just some of the thoughts going on in my head. (And this is not the only thing I'm trying to get my head around - I have a paper on Deuteronomy 30:11-20 due on the Tuesday after I preach!)

1 comment:

Belteshazzar said...

Is it just those verses?