Tuesday 2 November 2010

What is Christian Ethics?

I've been reading for a little while now this great book by Michael Hill, "The How and Why of Love - An introduction into Evangelical Ethics."

The How and Why of Love: an introduction to evangelical ethics

And I have to say, it has been really enjoyable. It's nice to read something at college that is very clear, well argued and a delight to read. I have been challenged in my thinking about how I go about developing and sustaining what Hill calls 'Mutual Love Relationships" (MLR's). Another thing that this book does really well, is it grounds ethical deliberations within the story of redemption, from creation to new creation (that is, within Biblical Theology.) Hill takes you through this schema, showing his working if you like, and so develops his theological ethic based on a reading of scripture. He then moves on to some moral issues, and so applies his ethical theory to these very important issues, thus giving a module of how Christian ethics is done.

I've also noticed that the publisher has produced a great downloadable study guide. Find it here.