Thursday 2 September 2010

Gospel Song Animation

One of the songs that I often sing to my daughter, especially when we are trying to settle her down (but on other occasions as well) is a song call  'The Gospel Song'. It is a very simple song that has a very profound message. In fact I believe it to be one of the most profound messages that human beings can hear. It is a message of the Love that the God of the universe has lavished on the word. It is the message of why it is possible for sinful creatures (that is those who say to God, 'I'm doing it my way, but I'll take all your blessings, but basically you can go jump!), can be brought into a loving relationship with the one who made them. This is the ultimate Love song in my book. It's the message I constantly pray that my daughter will know and believe. And it's my prayer that others I don't know this message, will come to cherish.

Have a look at this very powerful animation, accompanied by 'the Gospel Song'. It gets to the heart of what the Christian message is all about. The Holy God who in love became the perfect man to bare my blame; the blame that is mine for rejecting the God of the Universe, the one who created all things, and who is only revealed in the person of Jesus. It is very powerful.

If you want to find out about who Jesus is, check out here . I'm happy to chat as well.