Sunday 11 March 2007

The Spectacular vs the Mundane. Which is God in?

I haven't written in this thing for a while. So sorry. Although I have to admit that I'm not sure how many people are reading this thing? I've heard a few comments which have been great BUT none on the Blog! oh well...I'm off topic already. One of those things I guess.
what I wanted to write about. Yes get to that Ben! Anywho...I was totally hit today about the way that our society is really obsessed with the Spectacular, and they assume that GOD is involved with it.

We've been looking at church at 2 Corinthians and our pastor was explaining how this view of the "God is in the spectacular and NOT the mundane", is really unhelpful. This was the mistake of the Corinthians. But God is involved in the mundane. He uses the mundane to show His power. Take for example words. The speaking of the Gospel, looks like an unimpressive activity, in the worlds eyes, but Paul says the words of the Gospel, have the power to break down strongholds, and take captive every thought for Christ (see 2 Cor 10: 3-6). The gospel is God's power to destroy any argument which sets itself up against God, to reject God. As I reflect on that, that just encourages me. I sometimes feel so weak, and down. I can fell so overwhelmed with doing ministry. And yet, all I need to be doing is telling the gospel, because God is the one who works powerfully taking my unimpressive words, and doing a mighty work of drawing someone to himself. How good is the living God!

I was also encouraged by the way our pastor gently critiqued something which may be popular, and people think that God is in ... a ministry on TV (in the wee early hours). It was a helpful critic based on corrected how we as the church have bought into the notion that the spectacular things show the power of God. The spectacular wasn't discounted, but put into the context of God's power is in the gospel, and God is in the mundane things, the unimpressive things. Any way...should go.